Friday, May 31, 2019

More About Sheri, Southwind Farm's Owner! Part 1

Good morning!!

Since our blog is back in action we wanted to give more background on Southwind Farm's owner, Sheri Thornley, for those who are new to the blog or the farm.

On how Sheri got into horses and Came to Southwind:
Sheri has been riding since she was a kid, and officially started her horse "career" in 1983 when she worked at the Greenspring Valley Hounds riding various hunt horses. In 1986 she landed her first barn manager job at Camelot Farm in Monkton, Maryland.   After leaving that position and deciding to work the "9-to-5 life" Sheri transitioned into Washington, D.C. for a few years working for a Union PAC. Shortly after she bought her horse Fred and after boarding him all over, she finally ended up at Windy Hollow Farm in 1996. Fast forward to 2004, Sheri ended up buying the farm and re-naming it Southwind!

On Sheri's Riding Career:

Fred wasn't Sheri's first event horse but he was her "main man" for many years.  Sheri was fortunate enough to have had him from 5-years-old until he died at  age 35 last year (2018).  Fred was such a wonderful horse who loved his job and evented all the way until he was age 23!  Sheri then got her current event horse, Toga, in 2003 when he was 3-year-old. At first she tried to sell him a couple times (a really cool story in itself- for another day!) and then without any luck ended up eventing him through the Intermediate level and then CCI** 2-star level. The year they competed in Intermediate at the American Eventing Championships the pair finished 9th and have returned at Training level finishing in the Top 8 several times since. Sheri describes Toga as her "one hit wonder horse" he is still rocking at Training level. Sheri has had other horses as well over the years and shared her love of riding with her daughter Addie.

Learn more about Sheri & Southwind Farm (now accepting boarders!) at:

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Blog is Back!!

Hi everyone!!

The blog hiatus is over and we are excited to announce that we will be posting weekly blogs again! Why may you ask? Because we have had several people express interest in learning more about our farm, our boarders, our instructors and other boarding/lesson opportunities. Instead of sending out emails we thought the blog would be the best way to communicate all of the great info Southwind Farm has to share!

So what is up this week? Southwind info 101. Read below to learn more!

Southwind Farm is owned and operated by Sheri Thornley, event rider and manager of boarding stables for over 25 years. Southwind offers outstanding care for your horse no matter the breed, age or discipline!  Our experienced staff all live on the property and help maintain a routine that keeps our horses happy and healthy.  Not only do we have the facilities you need to train your competition horse, there are also miles of trails for conditioning and pleasure.  All types of riding are welcome, as are your own blacksmith and veterinarian.  We have always emphasized a relaxed atmosphere that is essential to every horse’s well-being regardless of discipline. Unlike other farms, boarders here have unique access to over eight different trainers! We also welcome your trainer too!

Southwind Farm is a larger facility with a "small barn feeling." Boarders visit at various times throughout the day so it never feels too crowded but always feels welcoming.

Our location in Damascus, Montgomery County, MD provides easy access to I-270 and I-70.  We are also conveniently located to southern Frederick county and Howard County.

Learn more at!