Monday, March 28, 2016

Congrats to Southwind's Sheri!

Good morning!

Sending out a quick congratulations this morning to Southwind's owner, Sheri Thornley, for her 7th place finish with Toga in the Open Training-B division this past weekend at the Carolina International CIC & Horse Trials. This was a competitive division with over 30 riders. Way to go Sheri and Toga. We also found out that Toga was the reserve TIP Thoroughbred out of 18 registered horses at Training level!

PS- Also, last week was Sheri's older competition horse Fred's 33rd birthday! Wow! Happy Birthday Fred!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Health Preparations and Southwind

Good morning!

Yesterday was the first "official" day of spring! Warmer weather and green grass are right around the corner.  Here at Southwind our experienced staff all live on the property and help maintain a routine that keeps our horses happy and healthy all year long, but especially in the spring when it's time to catch up on vaccines, etc. Today we are sharing an article recently published from entitled 'Spring Health Preparations.' This article talks about all of the tasks you need to check off your list as you transition your horse into spring riding season. To read the article, click:

And remember if you are looking for somewhere new to board your horse this spring, we have a few stalls open! Please visit: for more information.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Your Equestrian Goals for the 2016 season and Southwind!

Good morning,

With spring and competition season right around the corner, now is the time to start thinking about your goals for you and your horse! Today we are sharing an article from Georgia Horseback (based in the UK) about five ways to help accomplish your equestrian goals this year! Winter is almost over and now is a great time to assess where you are and where you would like to be this year with your riding, your horse's training, etc.

Here at Southwind, we encourage riders of all ages, disciplines and skill levels to pursue their goals! Whether it's to earn top placings at competitions, or make time for a trail ride/hack around the farm each week, we support each and every one of our boarders. If you are looking for this type of supportive and fun environment, where you know your horse will be well cared for, visit us today at!

To read the full article, visit:

5 Top Tips To Accomplish Your Equestrian Goals
Image credit: Photopin

Make a wish list of what you want to achieve this year. This list doesn’t have to be long and it doesn’t have to have huge accomplishments on it either. It can be anything from volunteering at a rescue or therapy barn or making a concentrated effort to ride at least two times a week or making that trip to the beach to gallop along the sands. Don’t talk about – do it in 2016! If you need some motivational advice, here are our top five tips to keep you on the equestrian track to accomplish your goals:

1. Write A List Of Your Equestrian Goals

Writing down what you want to achieve this year is the constant reminder of making sure you keep in mind what you want to do. They don’t have to be huge goals either. Perhaps this year you want to take more trail rides or sign up for more lessons.  Or maybe you would like to take a back seat from competing and enjoy hacking out more? How about learning some more in hand techniques with your horse? Do something different and from the norm! On the other hand you may want to push your comfort zone and try and do some eventing? And why not? Start small and aim big. How about going to some cross country clinics when dressage has always been your forte? This list doesn’t have to be pinned to the fridge or plastered on the tack room wall, it can be set in your brain…or easier still tap it into the notes of your phone, or write it on a post it note and have it in your purse. Just be able to see it and remind yourself.

2. Get Motivated With An Equestrian Friend

Going it alone is hard and willpower has to be strong to keep to your goals especially with horses. Why not enlist a horse riding friend to help you with motivation? Double check the list of what you want to achieve and join forces with a friend. There is nothing better than having some riding fun together. If you want to go on a sponsored ride this year for the first time, it’s easy to go with company for you and your horse. If you want to do your first dressage test, ask a friend to help you with calling out the test for example.

3. Make Time

This is probably the hardest one of all in order to achieve your goals. Sadly time is always a factor when you have work and a family to then fit a horse in your already hectic life. We spend a lot of our day sometimes losing half an hour here or there which could equate to a couple of hours if managed efficiently. Does the house need cleaning again for the third time in the week or can you do the food shopping online to save some time? Perhaps spend half an hour less on the internet or watching tv on some days – you could manage that couldn’t you? Then use this time to perhaps to do some more schooling, grooming and spending time with your horse or going to watch a dressage clinic. Stop making excuses and MAKE TIME!

4. Visualize And Be Positive In Setting New Challenges

Start visualizing your goals and be positive in that you CAN achieve these things you have set out to do with your horse this year. If you would love to go on a riding holiday, then imagine about how fantastic it would be trekking in the mountains on horseback and want a wonderful and exhilarating time it would be.  Clear those negative thoughts of “what if”. If you risk assess everything that happens in life, especially when riding horses all of us would be house bound, twenty four seven, wrapped in bubble wrap! So book that horse riding holiday in the next few weeks, or your first showing class in the spring - don’t delay just do it.

5. Don’t Be Hard On Yourself Or Your Horse

Set attainable goals and take small steps to achieving the challenges you have set yourself or your horse. If jumping your horse is a little nerve wracking but something you want to overcome, then setting a goal to jump and clear triple bars and then an oxer may be a little too much to start with! Start small and move slowly up, be patient and be patient with your horse. Don’t be disappointed if you do not meet your goals or only some of them, give yourself time.

If you want to set yourself a target with your horse goals, then come over to Georgia Horseback on Facebook and tell us what you want to do with your horse and/or your riding this year. Blogging and keeping a diary is a brilliant way of documenting the highs and lows that living with horses can bring. Having support from likeminded horse enthusiasts is a super way of keeping motivated and picking you up when times are tough. Remember if the plan doesn’t work, then change the plan but never the goal….

 Happy New Year from Georgia Horseback and may all of your equestrian dreams come true this year.

Thanks to Samantha Hobden of Haynet for this post.

Monday, March 7, 2016

What boarders are saying... Favorite things about Southwind!

Good morning,

Since we are still accepting new boarders, we thought we would share some of our current boarders favorite things about being at Southwind! If you or someone you know are interested in coming to Southwind visit, and set up an appointment with owner, Sheri Thornley today!

See for yourself what our current boarders are saying:

"It is hard to say any one thing.  I would have to say the care.  It is the perfect mix of regimented routine and individual attention.  A close second are the people.  I stayed away from Southwind for a long time even though I live around the corner because I thought it was too big. But in reality, it feels like a small barn, everyone has their own routine, it is rarely crowded and you get the needed individual attention."

"There are a lot of things I like about Southwind. I really enjoy the variety of rings and riding areas. The indoor is great when it’s cold and blowing and on nice days the two outdoors rings, the trails and the fields with cross-country fences are all great to play with. I also really enjoy the people of Southwind. There’s a great group of boarders and riders to chat with and the staff are amazing!"

"I’m not sure I have one particular favorite part- there are lots of things!  But, if I had to pick one thing, I would probably just generally say the people.  This includes the staff and boarders alike.  I know that my horse is in great hands when I can’t be out to look after her, and it’s a great environment."

"The consistency of the care, low-key atmosphere, and the tack room conversations."